"Im gonna say Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. But hey, no man is good enough for Kristen Bell."
"The one i really want for the next game is Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes. If they got Snake in the game, it should be no problem adding him too."
"I liked the Jean-Claude Van Damme cameo where he wanted to have a threesome with Monica and Drew Barrymore."
"Adam Sandler did a great job in Punch Drunk Love, Regin Over Me and most of all in his latest film, Funny People."
"Seems to be only xbox games here :p But i do agree."
"This is pretty cool. And the ladies like all these horror tatoos? :p"
"I love almost all of these parodys, but the Steve Irvin one from the satans sweet 16 episode was just sad. Looks like they were just trying to be offensive with that one and not funny."
"You should put the artist under every title. It would be fun to see who made what song ;)"